Magnetic Bear Studios



An Evolutionary Step: Magnetic Bear Studios Moves to Dashbook

by MBS (@magneticbear)

When Magnetic Bear Studios started almost two years ago it had a clearly defined road map. Three P's were laid out as the key stages of growth: Portfolio, People, Product.

Over the last two years we have been focused on delivering the best mobile experience possible to our clients through beautifully crafted mobile apps. We have had the opportunity to hone our skills, develop our process, and build our portfolio (40+ apps!). In that time we have also managed to assemble a mobile development SWAT team capable of tackling any mobile problem in an innovative way.

With the portfolio and team being complete, the first two P's had been achieved. It was time for us to apply our skills and experience to a product of our own.

Enter Dashbook

Dashbook is a personal dashboard that will revolutionize the way you consume content. Weather, sports, traffic, whatever! Best of all, our open spec lets anyone make their own dashes.

After much discussion and contemplation, the team decided that now was the time to take a risk and pursue Dashbook full-time. Founder Fuel, an early stage business accelerator in Montreal, approached us and offered us a position in their program. This was the last bit of validation we needed... the decision made perfect sense.

So with that, the Magnetic Bear Studios team will be moving to Montreal to pursue Dashbook full-time. This venture isn't a farewell to MBS, but more of a thanks for everything and we will see you again. MBS will always be a part of us.