Magnetic Bear Studios


Stuart Macgregor

Testing Methodology

by Stuart Macgregor (@macgregor_stu)

As the 1-man SWAT Team at MBS, it's my job to ensure that bugs are kept to a minimum in our products. Recently, we decided to revisit our testing process and how it integrates with the development and maintenance processes.


We're formalizing our testing methodology to provide the fastest and easiest way to catch bugs and errors, without over-complicating the work of developers and testers alike.


Ideally, we'd like to be catching bugs as they're being developed, in a Test Driven Development fashion. With that in mind, whenever a developer creates a new feature branch, a test feature branch is created in parallel. The test branch will have the tests laid out that best describe how the feature should work, as well as any possible edge cases. When the Developer is ready to test these features, they'll send a pull request to the test feature branch.

The Tester will accept this pull request (after reviewing the code), and run the appropriate tests. If all tests pass, the branch can be merged into the development branch, and eventually, into master. If some of the tests don't pass, the Tester will outline what went wrong, and notify the developer.

Testing is considered a key part of a product's lifecycle at MBS, and while we'll never ship completely bug free code, it's embarrassing to launch a product, only to realize a crippling bug managed to make its way to deployment. By testing the feature branches as they're developed, as well as a full continuous integration solution in the development and master branches, we're minimizing issues, as well as having an idea where to look if one does pop up.

What needs to be tested?

If testing were as simple as running through the app once it's done, we'd have perfect products. Obviously this is not the case. So testing needs to be broken down into parts.


Logic testing validates if the product handles data as expected. If a method takes in certain values, changes them, and outputs expected values, these need to be tested. What if the input data is bad? What if the result isn't what is expected? What about special cases? All of these scenarios need to be tested for a product to be bug free.

UI Testing

We test the User Interface of the product (if there is one). If a button is tapped, is the proper method called? If a label or picture should change based on a given event, does it? A lot of the time, these can't be tested until the logic tests are completed due to the fact that without the proper response from a logical method, the display would be incorrect. UI testing is often tested with what's known as Integration testing.

Offline Testing

Our products almost all have an element of connectivity to them. Just like the mobile app itself, the network service it connects to is potentially faulty. As such, how can we test parts of the product when there is no network? Offline testing creates tests that always return the expected network value (by mocking the network data), and simulates what happens if the network connection is poor (do we have something in place in the event of no/weak signal?).

Online Testing

Assuming the backend of the product is operational, this tests everything in a cohesive and integrated manner. By testing all parts of the application together, we know how the system as a whole behaves. If the other tests passed without issue, so should these. But combining everything can occasionally have unexpected side effects. By testing with the production system, we can minimize bugs even further, for little to no extra work.

Testing Approaches

There are various types of testing approaches, each with their own strengths and weaknesses. By combining them in the right way, we can maximize our testing coverage of the product.

Manual Testing

The most obvious and oldest of the testing solutions. Take a device, run your product on it, and try to break it by hand. While easy to perform, this method is wrought with weaknesses. It makes tests harder to repeat precisely (essential in bug hunting), it's hard to keep track of, and requires much more time to complete. Nevertheless, there are some things that simply cannot be efficiently tested automatically. By using manual testing judiciously, many bugs can be found and fixed.

Unit Testing

A testing method popularized by the TDD community, unit testing is the primary way we will use to conduct logic tests. By resetting the environment after each test, we can be sure the results of one test won't affect another.

Integration Testing

Integration testing refers to the automated testing of an entire application. If you take the UI, the logical models, and the network results (either mocked or real), and integrate them together, do the expected results happen? Most of the time, this is the way UI testing will be conducted.

How each approach will work together

By using each manual, unit, and integration testing in the proper contexts, we can assure very strong code coverage.

Unit Testing

Manual Testing

Integration Testing


By using a hybrid of the discussed testing possibilities, it is possible to have proper coverage of most written code. By keeping the test and feature branches separate, we ensure the Developer can work with minimal adjustments, while still maintaining strong bug catching abilities. By testing each feature separately, and again when all features are combined, we can catch issues as they appear, as well as possible side effects of the feature integration. This method will help keep our code lean, as well as the entire project lean, yet still have enough coverage to minimize possible issues.

This post is the first in a 3-part series on how Magnetic Bear Studios manages its quality assurance process.